First song today that i'll actually review.
Beginning statement: You make B0UNC3 a little girl. No not "seem like a", but you MAKE HIM A LITTLE GIRL. No joke.
K, review:
The song definitely sounded professional and I wouldn't be surprised if you won, xD Anyway, awesome intro, it really pulls you into the mood, NICE EFFECTS THAT YOU USED(*cough cough* noob complaits on "Bass it up"), they also help in setting teh moodzor and just making the song more "complete"(forgive me if i sound stupid when reviewing, of course, im still a "noob", :P). I was moved by the part of the song where the..wait, thats not right, the entire song moved me...uh, oh right! Review! When the song went into "sounds friggin LIVE" mode around the beginning-middle, that was awesome, because it added variation to the song, and made it sound...just so cool. Haha, i love that bassline around 3:10, it was awesome, so dark-jokey sounding.
Man, this song seems so "memorable" just because its got SOOOO many effects in it, like the random filtering and all those melodies and just...random litte add-ons, plus it actually had quite a (may i say)"clubby" feel to it. I'm sure thats probably why you made the song though. I can't really get enough of this song, either because its 12:13 at night, or im tired, or out of it or i dont even know, i do know that this song rocks.
Such an awesome party song. Dude....I can imagine this b3ast being played at some huge club and people dancing and everything. Oh man, i love that filtery voice, makes it so't say anything else, loL). Nice melodies and everything.
Well, i got to go to sleep, being kicked off the PC, :(
I'd appreciate you teaching me some of what you know or something, or just to talk. add me on msn at if you'd like. I'd really love to learn or just hear from you.
Amazing song man, so was Bass it Up.
ttyl maybe.